SINCE 2001
Implementing an integrated packaging waste management system, transparent, based on minimum costs, efficient and effective
Non-discriminatory treatment for all types of packaging
Support reasonable solutions to reduce the environmental impact of packaging
The purpose of the association
ARAM aims to support the practical solutions needed to cope with the impact on the environment caused by the packaging used, in such a way that Romanian consumers continue to enjoy, through the variety of packaging, the widest possible range of products. This approach must harmonize economic interests with those of environmental protection and try to minimize the amount of waste in landfills throughout the country.
The goal of the association
Separate collection for waste fractions
Harmonization of waste management systems starting from the separate collection of wastesNon-discriminatory approach
Ensuring a level playing field for all types of packaging and packaging materials and for every producerTransparency and efficiency
Decision making based on private sector input during consultations and without additional costsApplying the Community acquis
Support the implementation of community regulations while taking on the best practices at European levelA new development model
Preserving resources, materials and products to retain their economic value for as long as possibleCalendar Events
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Events for 1st September
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Events for 2nd September
Events for 3rd September
Events for 4th September
Events for 5th September
Events for 6th September
Events for 7th September
Events for 8th September
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Events for 9th September
Events for 10th September
Events for 11th September
Events for 12th September
Events for 13th September
Events for 14th September
Events for 15th September
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Events for 16th September
Events for 17th September
Events for 18th September
Events for 19th September
Events for 20th September
Events for 21st September
Events for 22nd September
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Events for 23rd September
Events for 24th September
Events for 25th September
Events for 26th September
Events for 27th September
Events for 28th September
Events for 29th September
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Events for 30th September
The latest information about ARAM projects and activities.
ARAM announces new Secretary General
Sistemul de garanție-returnare: Peste 500 milioane de ambalaje SGR returnate până la sfârșitul lunii mai. Provocările de început
Sistemul de garanție-returnare (SGR) pentru ambalajele de băuturi a împlinit deja șapte luni de la data lansării acestuia, 30 noiembrie...
Results of new research on Romanian companies applying circular economy principles in relation to packaging
București, 18 iunie 2024 - În era schimbărilor rapide a cerințelor de sustenabilitate și odată cu adoptarea Strategiei Naționale privind...
Alin Vișan (ARAM): Give us, as producers, the right to use the quantities of packaging waste collected within the system we are financing
”Una dintre solicitările noastre este către cei care pot decide: dați-ne dreptul nouă, ca producători, să folosim cantitățile colectate din...
Relaunching European Competitiveness - A Joint European Industry Manifesto
O relansare a competitivității în Europa pentru a preveni riscurile referitoare la dezindustrializare reprezintă preocuparea în legătură cu care fac...
Robert Uzună, Vice-president of ARAM: We need PROs, waste management operators and recyclers – functional and efficient. We also need lawmakers to build the rules together with us
România s-a aflat, timp de ani de zile, pe ultimul loc din Uniunea Europeană la reciclarea ambalajelor. Chiar dacă odată...